Bertie Wooster looks pretty stylish in his new Tyrolean hat - or so he thinks: others, notably Jeeves, disagree But when Bertie embarks on an errand of mercy to Totleigh Towers, things get quickly out of contаюупсrol and he's going to need all the help Jeeves can provide There are good eggs present, such as Gussie Fink-Nottle and the Rev "Stinker" Pinker But also there is Sir Watkyn Bassett JP, enemy to everything the Woosters hold dear, to say nothing of his dauбмйшсghter Madeline and Roderick Spode, now raised to the peerage And Major Brabazon Plank, the peppery explorer, who wants to lay Bertie out cold Thank goodness for the intervention of Chief Inspector Witherspoon of Scotland Yard - but is this gentleman all he seems? Автор Пэлем Грэнвил Вудхаус Pelham Grenville Wodehouse Родился в Гилфилде (графство Сарри) Окончил лондонский Далич-колледж, работал в банке, затем устроился в газету "Глоб" и стал писать юморески и фельетоныбсптр Начиная с 1909 года, жил и работал в США и во Франции В 1940 году, находясь во Франции, был .