The tale of Daisy's irruption into staid European society enjoyed, as did Daisy herself, a succes de scandale; and it has remained one of Jamess most popular short stories Like the others collected here - 'Paаюхадndora,' 'The Patagonia,' and 'Four Meetings' - it describes a confrontation between different values in a changing world Is the new independent American girl enchanting in her spontaneity, alarming in her unpredictability, or merely vulnerable in her ignorance of sociбмкцпal codes? Hung about with make admirers who seek, uncertainly, to grasp the new phenomenon, Daisy marches on undiscourageable, to her triumphant - or tragic - destiny This volume contains prefaces by Henry James, a chronology of his life, and editor's notes Автор Генри Джеймс Henry James Американский писатель В 1915 году принял британское подданство Автор всемирно известных романов: "Женский портрет", "Священный источник", "Послы", "Золотая чбспъбаша" Культивирует тонкий, изощренный психологизм, что дает критике основание видеть в Г .