Inside LightWave 8 (+ DVD-ROM) Издательство: New Riders, 2004 г Мягкая обложка, 984 стр ISBN 0-7357-1368-5 инфо 12420i.

Don Ablan, founder of 3D Garagecom, president of AGA Digital Studios, Inc, and author of several best-selling LightWave books, brings you Inside LightWave 8 This edition is completely redesigned, taking a pаюцушractical approach to learning LightWave 3D 8 Inside LightWave 8 is written by someone who understands how you work Dan Ablan walks you through the process of understanding the interfaces, workflow, modeling techniques, texturing, lighting, and rendering Get up andбмлшэ running easily with the new quick-start tutorial; Gain a thorough understanding of 3D animation basics; Work through extensive modeling chapters that cover topics such as electronics, characters, animals, vehicles, and text; Create better-looking renders with pro lighting techniques; Improve your texturing techniques, such as image mapping, gradients, and UVs; Take a cinematic approach to your animations with LightWawe's camera; Discover powerful bone and rigging toots, in Modeler anбсраюd Layout; Add style and creativity with particle animation; Uncover the new soft and hard body dynamics for collisions, interactions, and cloth; Work with the new Render tools, and set up your own ScreamerNet render farm The companion DVD-ROM contains: Hours of video tutorials to complement the chapters, exclusively from 3D; Garagecom - All scene files for the book projects and tutorials, plus high-quality color JPEGs of the book's screen grabs; Bonus textures from Tom Marlin of Marlin Studios, makers of the popular Seamless Textures series, and Industry Graphics, makers of realtexturecom; A full working demo of Mimic2 for LighfWave and Wondertouch's Particle illusion.